
Monday, November 19, 2012

Furnace Turkey
(in which a squeaky furnace becomes turkey for the mission
and I learn a lesson about the grocery jar)

You know what I don't write enough about? The little miracles. The fun stuff that God does in the every day that makes life a bit more adventurous.

We had our furnace inspected.
Yeah...I know that is pretty boring, and to start off on an even boring-er note, we sat down with our budget spreadsheet to figure out how to make that expense work. It's not really a regular expense. We found some money for it, asked for referrals on Facebook, and got several nice recommendations from friends. By the time we got around to scheduling it, I could only find one name and number, so we scheduled that guy.

Well, as it turned out, he was a really nice guy...and a Christian, and he had a lot to say about that. It wound up a being a great conversation. At the end of the inspection, he said to us, "You know what? I have had a great time being able to talk to you guys about this stuff. I'm going to knock $26 off your bill. Just give it to your church or something." 

Hmmm. That was nice.

Later that day, my friend emailed that she and her family heard the Denver Rescue Mission was short on Thanksgiving turkeys and they were going to shop and deliver several turkeys the next day...would anyone like to donate and have them pick up and deliver the turkeys? Earlier in the day, I can assure you that the very boring budget spreadsheet didn't have much room for turkeys. Now it did. 

Turkeys were delivered yesterday.
The check is in the mail.

And that, my friends is how God let Randy & me broker a deal to have our new furnace guy give 25% of Cell #H42 on our budget spreadsheet to send our friends to the mission with 30 pounds of turkey.

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